Monday, August 26, 2013

Counselor Anxiety

One day you might find yourself sitting by me at church and hear me utter these words while I shift uncomfortably: "I have counselor anxiety." And you'll wonder to yourself, "What is counselor anxiety?"

Here it is.

counselor anxiety

(1)A moment of stress brought on by any action which reminds a person of being surrounded by 30 fifteen-year-olds (2) A feeling of uncomfortableness created when someone is talking who shouldn't be (3) PTSD for EFY counselors

Let me apply this into real-world scenarios for you.

The False Doctrine Scenario: When I'm sitting in sacrament meeting and someone bears their testimony about something that is not remotely part of our taught gospel.

 The Oversharer Scenario: When "that person" in your ward decides to tell you about their most-recent foray into the darkest depths of sin. Or about their latest breakup. Or their familial issues. Nope. No one ever wants to hear all that at church. EVER. Trust me. Church is not the time to share your diary entries.

The "Oh-My-Gosh-the-People-Behind-Me-Won't-Stop-Talking" Scenario: As an EFY counselor, we'd just turn around and tell them to shut up. Because we had that kind of authority. When it's people your own age, this usually happens:

How about one last example for you?

The Bad Teacher Scenario: Let's be honest, some teachers are just really uncomfortable. Like that teacher who has nothing positive to say (the word gospel does mean "good news," right?). Or that teacher who thinks their lesson is actually a talk. Or the one who forces their own personal opinion onto you ("The gospel according to ____").

And I KNOW you've all felt one or all of these things before - so don't judge me. Just because I have a term for the feeling.

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