Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fast Sunday

Today was Fast Sunday which equals testimony meeting in the world of Mormonism (for those of you who may not be aware). I went to church with my little sister since my parentals are currently out of town and really felt like I wanted to bear my testimony during Sacrament meeting but there just wasn't enough time and I always feel bad taking up time in other wards.

So, I thought to myself... "Why not share my testimony on my blog?" It's kind of a step out there for me but I share so many other parts of my life with all of you I figure why not share this absolutely vital part of my life too?

So, if I had gotten up and born my testimony it would have gone a little something like this...

I'm at a point in my life right now where there are lots of big decisions that need to be made. I just graduated from college a few months ago. I went and worked in New York for a couple of months. And now I'm trying to figure out what to do next with my life.

As I've been contemplating these big decisions, I've begun to re-evaulate my discipleship and how well I prioritize the gospel among the other things in my life. I decided I needed to take inventory of how I'm doing in my life spiritually. EFY played a rather large role in that. My own personal little spiritual re-boost. And as I evaluated where I'm at on my road of discipleship, I noticed that the small things in my life were beginning to slip. My scripture study and prayers were not as frequent and meaningful as they usually are which was in turn affecting every other aspect of my life.

One of the things I miss the most being in a singles ward is hearing all of the pure and simple testimonies of the little kids. They have such basic and sincere testimonies of the gospel. Testimonies of the building blocks if you will. And sometimes we get so caught up in the eloquence of our testimonies that we forget to bear testimony of those small and simple things. We forget to bear pure testimony.

I know that reading and pondering and studying the scriptures can bring us closer to our Heavenly Father. I know that sincere prayer can help us to know that we are children of God and that we have a divine nature. And once I realized that I needed to make those things a priority in my life again, everything else seemed to fall into place and my relationship with my Heavenly Father was once again strengthened.

So, I encourage you. If you are not having meaningful scripture study and prayer, make those things a priority in your life. You will see HUGE changes in the rest of your life if you do.

I feel wrong having Britney playing as you're reading my testimony so how about one of my favorite hymns instead?

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